
Votes for Women Speech by Mark Twain
January 20th 1901

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Discourse Markdown Table

  1. Something weird is happening when I'm pasting a basic markdown-formatted post into an empty post box.
  2. Posted by The Discourse Detectives at 10:35 AM No comments. How many times have you felt as if life is slipping away from your fingertips?
  3. Nikolaeva (lisjulia@list.ru) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation This article explores interrelations between discourse.
Votes for Women Speech by Mark Twain

Ladies and Gentlemen - It is a small help that I can afford, but it is just such help that one can give as coming from the heart through the mouth. The report of Mr. Meyer was admirable, and I was as interested in it as you have been. Why, I'm twice as old as he, and I've had so much experience that I would say to him, when he makes his appeal for help: 'Don't make it for today or tomorrow, but collect the money on the spot.'
We are all creatures of sudden impulse. We must be worked up by steam, as it were. Get them to write their wills now, or it may be too late by-and-by. Fifteen or twenty years ago I had an experience I shall never forget. I got into a church which was crowded by a sweltering and panting multitude. The city missionary of our town - Hartford - made a telling appeal for help. He told of personal experiences among the poor in cellars and top lofts requiring instances of devotion and help. The poor are always good to the poor. When a person with his millions gives a hundred thousand dollars it makes a great noise in the world, but he does not miss it; it's the widow's mite that makes no noise but does the best work.
I remember on that occasion in the Hartford church the collection was being taken up. The appeal had so stirred me that I could hardly wait for the hat or plate to come my way. I had four hundred dollars in my pocket, and I was anxious to drop it in the plate and wanted to borrow more. But the plate was so long in coming my way that the fever-heat of beneficence was going down lower and lower - going down at the rate of a hundred dollars a minute. The plate was passed too late. When it finally came to me, my enthusiasm had gone down so much that I kept my four hundred dollars - and stole a dime from the plate. So, you see, time sometimes leads to crime. Oh, many a time have I thought of that and regretted it, and I adjure you all to give while the fever is on you.
Referring to woman's sphere in life, I'll say that woman is always right. For twenty-five years I've been a woman's rights man. I have always believed, long before my mother died, that, with her gray hairs and admirable intellect, perhaps she knew as much as I did. Perhaps she knew as much about voting as I.
I should like to see the time come when women shall help to make the laws. I should like to see that whiplash, the ballot, in the hands of women. As for this city's government, I don't want to say much, except that it is a shame - a shame; but if I should live twenty-five years longer - and there is no reason why I shouldn't - I think I'll see women handle the ballot. If women had the ballot to-day, the state of things in this town would not exist.
If all the women in this town had a vote today they would elect a mayor at the next election, and they would rise in their might and change the awful state of things now existing here.

The Votes for Women Speech by Mark Twain featured is in the form of extracts, passages or lines from the Votes for Women Speech by Mark Twain. A speech by Mark Twain can be described as a motivational speech, persuasive speech or inspirational speech.

Discourse definition is - verbal interchange of ideas; especially: conversation. How to use discourse in a sentence.

A Quote or citation from the Votes for Women Speech by Mark Twain provides an illustration of, or allusion to, the famous events of the day during the era of Mark Twain. Use the Votes for Women Speech by Mark Twain with passages and lines taken as direct citations from this famous speech using the language and words used by Mark Twain in their own language and dialect within the content of the speech. This well-known speech by Mark Twain, famed for its powers of verbal and oral communication, makes excellent use of the words and language. Use of native tongue of Mark Twain within the speech makes it powerful and relevant to historic occasions. A persuasive, motivational and inspirational speech by Mark Twain. The celebrated Mark Twain had excellent powers of oration which are highlighted forever in History by the Votes for Women Speech by Mark Twain. Famous Mark Twain speeches are often mis-spelt / mistyped as famous speaches and famuos speechs. Download bardrawer driver. Name mis-quotes : Speach - Marktwain

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The Votes for Women Speech by Mark Twain


Votes for Women Speech by Mark Twain - Mark Twain - Speeches - Language - Talking - Mark Twain - Verbal communication - Dialogue - Famous - Words - Communication - Discourse - Speaking - Speeches - Mark Twain - Spoken language - Oral communication - Spoken communication - Famous Speeches - Speeches - Language - Talking - Mark Twain - Verbal communication - Dialogue - Famous - Speach - Marktwain - Words - Communication - Discourse - Speaking - Speeches - Mark Twain - Spoken language - Oral communication - Spoken communication - Famous Speeches - Mark Twain - Speach - Marktwain - Votes for Women Speech by Mark Twain

Discourse Markdown Theory

marker word
маркированное слово; помеченное слово; слово с маркером; слово с меткой
Discourse Markdown

not a word of reproof — ни слова упрёка

shortest word — слово минимальной длины

English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.

Discourse Markdown

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Discourse Markdown Definition

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