But I don't think geekbench 5 is that bad of a benchmark. A lot of people give it shit simply because of how well iphones do. They find 'geekbench is a bad benchmark' to be easier to believe than 'apple makes incredibly fast cores' Also, Geekbench is a very short benchmark, It probably completes before the iphone hits it thermal limits.
- Geekbench 5 also increases the memory footprint of existing workloads to more accurately account for the effect memory performance has on CPU performance. Finally, the Geekbench 5 CPU Benchmark includes new modes of multi-threaded benchmarks, allowing threads to work co-operatively on one problem rather than separately on different problems.
- Geekbench 5 is 64-bit only, dropping support for 32-bit processors and operating systems. Geekbench 5 does not include any of the compromises required to run on 32-bit systems.
Geekbench Full Version 5.4.0 adalah salah satu aplikasi benchmark processor dengan tingkat akurasi yang sangat tinggi serta memberikan detail mengenai kedaan processor anda dengan sangat akurat. Bagi anda yang ingin mengetahui seberapa besar kemampuan processor yang anda gunakan, maka sudah seharusnya anda menggunakan software Geekbench Full Version ini untuk melihat hasilnya. Aplikasi ini akan sangat berguna bagi anda yang membeli komputer atau laptop bekas, dan ingin melihat bagaimana performa dari processor yang ada, apakah sudah menurun atau belum.
Software Geekbench Full Version yang kami bagikan ini hanya untuk versi windows 64 bit saja. Jadi bagi anda yang masih menggunakan windows 32 bit, mohon maaf sekali anda belum bisa menjalankan aplikasi Geekbench Full Version ini di pc atau laptop anda.
Features Of Geekbench Full Version

- Changes in the interface is easier to access your
- View data on your computer with very high accuracy and reliable results and accurate
- Very complex tests with a few simple clicks will do
- The software ensures accuracy in terms of results displayed
- With this software, your computer will come to an adequate understanding of power
Cara Instal
- Download dan ekstrak file “Geekbench Full Version” ini.
- Ekstrak juga file patch yang berada di dalam folder tersebut.
- Instal programnya seperti biasa.
- Setelah proses instalasi selesai, jangan dulu masuk ke dalam programnya.
- Buka folder patch, lalu copy pastekan file patch, ke dalam folder instalasi “Geekbench” di pc atau laptop anda.
- Jalankan file patch dengan cara klik kanan >> run as administrator.
- Klik Patch.
- Done.
Link Download

GeekBench is a system benchmark utility that can test CPU and GPU by performing complex and intense processes that check the computing power of the current PC setup.
The application has a simple installation procedure while installs the main program. Once executed, you're faced with a basic user interface that displays the currently installed operating system and processor details such as make, mode, package and speed in the form of base frequency.
The CPU benchmark tool can run in either 32-bit or 64-bit mode and then you can hit the Run CPU Benchmark button to get started on the main function of the program.
The Compute Benchmark is a tool that will benchmark the power and abilities of the installed graphics adapter. It will perform some basic tasks made for GPU units like image and graphics processing.
Once these tests are completed, you're directed to the Geekbench.com web site which will show you your Single-Core and Multi-Core Score along with Crypto Score, Integer Score, Floating Point Score and Memory Score. It will display how fast your processor or GPU performed things like dealing with JPEGs, AES, Canny, Lua, etc.
Scrolling through the test results should give you an idea of how well the CPU and GPU functioned on the system and the test results can be shared with other users.
All in all, GeekBench performs a number of tests to give users an idea of how well their CPU or GPU performs in different scenarios.
Geekbench 5.4.0 on 32-bit and 64-bit PCs
This download is licensed as shareware for the Windows operating system from benchmark software and can be used as a free trial until the trial period ends (after an unspecified number of days). The Geekbench 5.4.0 demo is available to all software users as a free download with potential restrictions and is not necessarily the full version of this software.Geekbench 5800x
Filed under:Geekbench 5600x
- Geekbench Download
- Major release: Geekbench 5.4
- CPU Benchmarking Software