
Oct 21, 2020 Download Syncplay for free. Synchronize your playback over the Internet. Syncplay synchronises the position and play state of multiple media players so that the viewers can watch the same thing at the same time. This means that when one person pauses/unpauses playback or seeks (jumps position) within their media player then this will be replicated across all media players connected to the same. SyncPlay for 10.7.0 ( #177) Verified. This commit was created on GitHub.com and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23 Learn about signing commits. Loading status checks. checkpoint. SyncPlay sort-of works now. Fix issue with not sending ready. Additional work on SyncPlay. Download Latest Version Syncplay-1.6.6-Setup.exe (15.8 MB) Get Updates. Get project updates, sponsored content from our select partners, and more.

Syncplay is a free tool which synchronises media players over the internet so that distant friends can watch movies together.

Setting up the program takes a little work. You'll have to manually find a server (public ones are listed on the Syncplay site) or set up one yourself. You'll need a compatible media player (VLC, mplayer2, MPC-HC, mpv). If the video isn't already available on a streaming URL then everyone who wants to watch must have a local copy of the file, and you must choose a room name and pass it on - along with the server name - to everyone who wants to watch.

This isn't as bad as it sounds, though. You'll figure it out in maybe five minutes. And once you've set everything up, your configuration can be saved for instant recall next time.

Vlc Media Player


And once Syncplay is running, the program works very well. A 'Notifications' panel lists users as they connect to the server, you can start play with a click - once everyone is ready - and anyone can pause playback, maybe step back a scene and resume, and everyone else will see the same results on their own system.

Syncplay App


Syncplay Tool

It could be easier to use, but once you've figured out the basics Syncplay is a straightforward way to synchronise your video viewing.